
Membership Fees

The Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Macao

Membership Subscription and Application Fees


Class of member Grade of member Subscription to

Association Fund

Membership subscription fee Total fees payable on application
Corporate member Life corporate member $500 $3,000 $3,500
Ordinary corporate member $500 $500 (Annual) $1,000
Individual  member Life individual member $300 $1,800 $2,100
Ordinary individual member $300 $300 (Annual) $600



  1. Subscription to Association Fund is a one-off amount payable on application.
  2. Corporate membership is held under the name of the company, and it can authorize a representative to participate in the Association’s activities and enjoy all rights as a corporate member.
  3. Individual membership is held under the name of the individual person, and enjoys all rights as an individual member. All other persons of the company to which the individual member belongs cannot enjoy the rights of an individual member when participate in the Association’s activities.
  4. Ordinary corporate member/ordinary individual member need to pay the applicable annual membership subscription fee. They are automatically transferred to life corporate member/life individual member respectively upon payment of the 6th annual membership subscription fee.

